Accepted on Usenix LISA 2k5 !

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Yesss ! After writing a pretty long email explaining my interests, projects, work, etc… Me and my colleague Xavier, have received an email from Tara Mulligan, Scholastic Programs Manager:

Hello Roman,

The USENIX Association is pleased to offer you a stipend grant of US $(sum of money) to help you attend the 19th USENIX Large Installation System Administration Conference, (LISA ‘05), which will be held in San Diego, CA, December 4-9, 2005. We are very hopeful that this grant will allow you to attend.

You can check LISA’s main page and see their juicy tutorial and technical sessions program.

Some of my friends told me to go to an annual 22C3 meeting, from Chaos Computer Club, which has nothing to do with CCC nor CCC. I’ve had to drop their offer because I was waiting the above mail from LISA… So, you guys, beat that GMT-8 vs your not_too_much_far_from_home GMT+1 ;-P

Now seriously, enjoy you all too and have a nice Christmas from Berlin ;) I’ll be preparing my final exams that time :_/